Create Healthy Habits & Reset Your Mindset to Live an Intentional Life with Kristen Odegaard

Today’s interview is such an important topic and one that I know everyone will take away useful skills to use everyday! Kristen Odegaard is a women’s Life Coach, an educator, trainer, group fitness instructor, and mom who is passionate about personal growth, wellness and living intentionally. Kristen discovered life coaching  after several life transitions in 2016. After working with a therapist, she was still seeking more guidance and support for emotional wellbeing, figuring out how to get off of autopilot and feel more fulfilled. Her coaching experiences were so transformational, she became a Certified Life Coach so she could share the skills and tools with more people.

Kristen’s mindset coaching empowers women to create more calm, ease & joy in their lives… without guilt, overthinking or requiring other people to change. Kristen collaborates with clients to create the clarity and aligned actions that will up-level their life without having to just TRY HARDER. Listen in as we chat about changing your mindset, how to support yourself and others struggling with their mental health, and how to create healthy habits to live an intentional life. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this podcast with anyone that needs to hear this message! Thank you for being here and supporting the Soul Driven with Steph podcast!

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