Year in Review Reflection for Small Business Owners

Today is a solo episode with Steph as she goes through her Year in Review Reflection process, specifically for Small business owners! Learn what ‘Success Metrics’ are in your own business, how to define your version of success, and how to reflect on the past in order to prepare and plan for the New Year. Steph walks you through her own Year in Review reflection process that she does for her business and shares how tracking metrics in her business allowed her to make the biggest decision this past year not solely off of emotions. When you go through this reflection exercise you’ll have more clarity around what to spend more time, money, and energy on in your business in 2023 so that you can work smarter, instead of pushing harder. Grab your journal, or better yet join the Growth Membership of Sister Circle before December 21st, 2022 to get the free downloadable worksheets (Steph refers to) and a Success Metrics Dashboard to track your growth and success year over year!

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