Year End Review to Take Aim for the New Year! (Free Workbook)

In today’s solo episode, Steph takes you through a her Year End Review for small business owners to reflect on the past year in order to plan for the year to come! Steph fuses both the logical, analytical with the intuitive and spiritual to create an all encompassing reflection. She shares how reflecting in this way at the end of each year has helped her not only plan and prepare for the future, but also how tracking success metrics throughout the year have helped her come to make quick decisions that were both logically and emotionally grounded. After the reflection of the past year, Steph takes you through planning for the New Year by choosing your ONE word or core desired feeling for the coming year as well as what you want to focus on putting more energy into and what you want to eliminate.

Block off a few hours, download the Year End Review Workbook, & walk through the podcast with Steph to get intentional about the year ahead! We hope you find this episode helpful as we close out another year of business and look ahead with excitement for all to come!

Download the workbook with the button below!

If you’re interested in joining us for a getaway day like Steph mentioned, be sure to save your spot for out LAST Mastermind Circle on Wednesday, December 27th in Lansing Iowa to gain clarity on your New Year Goals and work on fine tuning your systems and processes! Or, if you want to register for the upcoming InnoVision Webcast on January 4th, you can sign up for both by saving your spot at:

Don’t Forget to Subscribe & Share!