The Big Secret Revealed!

In today’s episode Steph has a big secret to reveal… Hit PLAY right away and hear for yourself or scroll down if you want to ruin the surprise! 😉

In today’s episode, Stephanie announces her pregnancy and shares her journey and experiences so far! She discusses the timing of starting a family, the challenges of keeping the pregnancy a secret, and the physical and emotional changes she’s been going through. Stephanie talks about the importance of surrendering and slowing down during this season and shares her excitement for the future, including planning her maternity leave and raising a child in the next generation.

Key Takeaways:

The timing of starting a family is different for everyone, and it’s important to trust your own journey and make decisions based on your own circumstances.

Keeping a pregnancy a secret can be challenging, especially for someone who is used to being open and authentic.

Pregnancy brings physical and emotional changes, and it’s important to listen to your body, slow down, and give yourself grace and self-compassion.

Planning for maternity leave as a small business owner is crucial, and it’s important to create a sustainable plan that allows you to step away from your business while still maintaining its growth and profitability.

Raising a child in the next generation is an opportunity to instill important values and qualities and make a positive impact on the world.

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